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Bauhaus Archiv Berlin
Klingelhöferstraße 14
10785 Berlin - Tiergarten
Tel. 030 - 25 40 02 0, Fax 25 40 02 10;
Infoline: 030 - 25 40 02 78
geöffnet täglich außer dienstags 10 - 17 Uhr
vorausgegangene Ausstellung / previous exhibition
25 06. - 08.09. 2014Vassily Kandinsky - Teaching at the Bauhaus
The teaching work of Vassily Kandinsky (1866­1944) at the Bauhaus is the focus of an exhibition being shown from 25 June to 8 September 2014 in the Bauhaus Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung in Berlin. For the first time, manuscripts and materials from the teaching work of the famous Bauhaus teacher, on loan from the archives of the Centre Pompidou (Paris) and the Getty Research Institute (Los Angeles), are being shown together, along with a selection of exercises and notes by his Bauhaus students from the holdings of the Bauhaus Archiv Berlin and the Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau. 'Vassily Kandinsky ­ Teaching at the Bauhaus' documents Kandinsky's teaching work from the Mural Painting Workshop, from the preliminary course and main course, and also from the free painting class at the Bauhaus.
Vassily Kandinsky was a pioneer of abstract art. During the nearly 11 years in which he worked at the Bauhaus, he developed his ideas on art theory further and taught them in the courses. Along with eleven of his drawings and watercolours from his time at the Bauhaus, Kandinsky's writings are also on display at the exhibition, as well as one work each by his Bauhaus colleagues László Moholy-Nagy, Georg Muche, Lyonel Feininger and Paul Klee.
The exhibition 'Vassily Kandinsky ­ Teaching at the Bauhaus' is based on a research project carried out by the Société Kandinsky and is being curated by art historian Dr. Angelika Weißbach. A 195-page catalogue with some 200 illustrations, edited by Prof. Magdalena Droste for the Bauhaus Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung, is being published to accompany the exhibition.
Beginning today ­ throughout Berlin ­ 500 illuminated posters featuring famous Bauhaus works by Marianne Brandt, Marcel Breuer, Walter Gropius and Oskar Schlemmer will extend their invitation to visit the museum.
Berlin, 15 July 2014: Beginning immediately, they can be seen on posters all across Berlin: Marcel Breuer's world-famous tubular steel chair, Marianne Brandt's tea infuser, photographs of Oskar Schlemmer's "Triadic Ballet" and the distinctive building of the Bauhaus-Archiv ­ a late work by Bauhaus founder Walter Gropius. These exceptional works are all part of the "Bauhaus Collection: Classic Modern Originals" at the Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung, and they can be seen at the Klingelhöferstraße 14. The Berlin poster campaign featuring the four motifs was made possible through the generous support of the Wall AG. For one week at the beginning of August, the motifs from the Bauhaus Collection will also be shown on the digital advertising panels in the underground station at Friedrichstraße.
"In our poster campaign, we place four individuals from the Bauhaus in the spotlight as pioneers of modern design", explains Dr Annemarie Jaeggi, Director of the Bauhaus-Archiv. "Innovative eaching methods and the collaboration with important figures from highly diverse fields enabled
Bauhaus students to develop their talents early on and to follow new paths. You can explore the results in our permanent exhibition."
The poster campaign that can be seen for the next 14 days was made possible by the generous support of Wall AG. Daniel Wall, Chairman of the Board of Wall AG, has stated: "Even today, the Bauhaus continues to have a strong influence on art and architecture. With the Bauhaus-Archiv,Berlin possesses a genuine cultural gem that has fascinated its many visitors. For us as well ­ as
street furnishers and outdoor advertisers ­ aesthetics and appealing design are important values.
That is why we are particularly pleased to support the Bauhaus-Archiv in inspiring even more people with enthusiasm for the beauty of the forms of modern and timeless design."The Bauhaus figures in the poster campaign
In 1919, the 35-year-old architect Walter Gropius founded the Bauhaus, which became the 20th century's internationally most important school of architecture, design and art. Gropius is considered one of the main protagonists of modern architecture. In 1979 the distinctive building that he designed for the Bauhaus-Archiv was opened in Berlin as a central site for the heritage of
the Bauhaus. His estate provided the initial foundation of the Bauhaus collection in Berlin.
As the only woman, Marianne Brandt taught in the metal workshop of the Bauhaus Dessau in the 1920s and created timeless design classics, such as her tea infuser, which continues to be manufactured today.
The architect and designer Marcel Breuer is seen as the inventor of modern tubular steel furniture. He designed the renowned tubular steel armchair B 3 in 1926, one year after being appointed a junior master and the head of the furniture workshop at the Bauhaus Dessau.The artist Oskar Schlemmer described his "Triadic Ballet", which was also performed on the Bauhaus stage, as a "festival in form and colour". Numerous original photographs, including those of Erich Consemüller, have been preserved.
The Bauhaus_Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung
The Bauhaus-Archiv Berlin conducts research into and presents the history and influence of the Bauhaus (1919­1933), the 20th century's most important school of architecture, design and art.
After the closing of the Bauhaus in 1933, this material heritage was scattered all around the world.The German art historian Hans Maria Wingler founded the Bauhaus-Archiv in Darmstadt in 1960, with the goal of developing a collection related to the topic of the Bauhaus. He was supported by the founder of the Bauhaus, Walter Gropius, and by other individuals formerly involved with the
Bauhaus. In 1979 the Bauhaus-Archiv opened at its present location, in the centre of Berlin in thebuilding designed by Walter Gropius. The building is the largest work in the Bauhaus collection.
Along with the permanent exhibition, the Bauhaus-Archiv regularly presents special exhibitions covering the entire spectrum of the avant-garde school.
The Bauhaus existed only until 1933, but the ideas that it set in motion still remain influential in diverse ways today. Accordingly, the Bauhaus-Archiv regularly presents contemporary design, in addition to thematic exhibitions dealing with the Bauhaus. In 2019, to mark the occasion of its 100th jubilee, the Bauhaus will be receiving a new museum building.
Fokus "Bühne" in der Schausammlung des Bauhaus-Archivs Berlin
Mit der Präsentation von Oskar Schlemmers Regieheft zum Triadischen Ballett und zehn Originalfotografien zu seinen Bühnenarbeiten gibt das Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung neue Einblicke in sonst verborgene Schätze aus der weltweit größten Bauhaus-Sammlung und würdigt den großen Bauhaus-Lehrer.
23. Juli 2014. Ab sofort zeigt das Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung in Berlin im Rahmen seiner Dauerausstellung eine Themenwand mit zehn Fotografien zu Oskar Schlemmers Bühnenarbeiten sowie dessen Originalregieheft zum Triadischen Ballett. Der Maler und Bildhauer wurde 1921 als einer der ersten Künstler durch den Bauhaus-Gründer Walter Gropius als Lehrer ans Bauhaus berufen und leitete von 1923 bis zu seinem Weggang vom Bauhaus 1929 die Bühnenwerkstatt. Schlemmer (1888-1943) setzte dort seine abstrakten Theaterexperimente, die er bereits von 1916 bis 1922 mit dem Triadischen Ballett begonnen hatte, konsequent fort. Das Regieheft zum Triadischen Ballett, dessen Name sich auf das inhaltliche Ordnungsprinzip des Dreiklangs bezieht, enthält einen Figurenplan, ein Gruppenfoto sowie acht Szenenfotos und gibt die Anordnung der Tänze bei der Aufführung in Donaueschingen wieder. Die präsentierten Schwarz-Weiß-Aufnahmen aus den 1920er Jahren stammen überwiegend von Bauhäuslern wie T. Lux Feininger, Erich Consemüller sowie Irene oder Herbert Bayer und zeigen eindrucksvoll, wie Schlemmer durch Kostüm, Bühnenbild und Choreografie menschliche Figuren als mathematisch-geometrisch bestimmte Typen inszenierte.
Die bis Mitte September 2014 zu sehenden Exponate zeigen eine Auswahl der zahlreichen Werke Oskar Schlemmers aus dem Bestand des Bauhaus-Archivs. Mit der jetzigen Präsentation erinnert das Bauhaus-Archiv an den bedeutenden Bauhaus-Meister, der vor 70 Jahren gestorben ist. Aus diesem Anlass finden seit Jahresende 2013 an verschiedenen Orten in Deutschland Ausstellungen zu Oskar Schlemmers Werk statt. Ende Juni 2014 wurde das Triadische Ballett in München und Berlin als Neuproduktion der choreografischen Fassung von Gerhard Bohner aufgeführt. Die Staatsgalerie Stuttgart zeigt ab 21. November 2014 in einer großen Schau das Schaffen des Stuttgarter Bauhauskünstlers in Malerei, Skulptur und Bühnenkunst.
Das Bauhaus_Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung
Das Bauhaus_Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung in Berlin erforscht und präsentiert Geschichte und Wirkungen des Bauhauses (1919_1933), der bedeutendsten Schule für Architektur, Design und Kunst im 20. Jahrhundert. In einem von Walter Gropius, dem Gründer des Bauhauses, entworfenen Gebäude steht die weltweit umfangreichste Sammlung zur Geschichte der Schule und zu allen Aspekten ihrer Arbeit jedem Interessierten offen. In zunehmendem Umfang widmet sich das Bauhaus_Archiv neben seinen historischen Themen aus dem Umkreis des Bauhauses auch Fragestellungen zu zeitgenössischer Architektur und aktuellen Entwicklungen im Design.
german galleries: index Berlin