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Kunsthalle Bielefeld
Artur-Ladebeck-Str. 5
33603 Bielefeld
Tel. 0521 - 51 24 79 / 80; Fax 0521 - 51 34 29
Di - Fr 11 18 Uhr, Mi bis 21 Uhr, Sa 10 - 18 Uhr
aktuelle Ausstellung / current exhibition
vorausgegangene Ausstellung / previous exhibition
30.08. - 08.11. 2009
Fang Lijun. "Sea and Sky"
Unter den jungen chinesischen Künstlern von Weltruf sticht der 1963
geborene Fang Lijun durch seine philosophischen Selbstbildnisse im
Wasser und das vielfach erscheinende Motiv des Schwebens im Himmel
heraus. Seit 1984 hat Fang als sogenannter "zynischer Realist"
zahlreiche wartende, bisweilen scheinbar ertrinkende Männer mit
Glatze gemalt. Sie gucken und atmen. Sie gähnen und schweigen. Oder
sie schreien laut. Sie sind als sein Alter ego und ein Chinese von
heute zu sehen. Für die Generation des "Mao Goes Pop", so eine
Ausstellung 1993 in Sydney, hat Fang wie kein Anderer die politische
Unterdrückung der Chinesen vor und nach 1989 mit buddhistischem
Gleichmut quittiert. Fang, der 1994 mit der Ausstellung "Welt-Moral"
in der Kunsthalle Basel sein Europadebüt erlebte, wurde ab 1995 mit
zahlreichen Einzelausstellungen in den Niederlanden, Frankreich,
Japan und New York geehrt. Große Ausstellungen in China im Jahr 2006
ebenso wie die Vorstellung seiner großartigen Holzschnitte im
Berliner Kupferstichkabinett haben unlängst gezeigt, in welchem
Ausmaß er zu den prägenden Persönlichkeiten der chinesischen
Kunstszene zählt. Die Kunsthalle Bielefeld bereitet mit der Förderung
durch die Kulturstiftung Pro Bielefeld eine Retrospektive des
Künstlers mit rund siebzig Werken, darunter auch neuen Skulpturen, vor.
Kunsthalle Bielefeld Exhibition Schedule 2009 (as of November 18, 2008)
March 15 August 2, 2009
1968. The Great Innocents
Not sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll, but great innocence was on the program when it came to art around 1968. In a seemingly naïve, but generally friendly way, the methods and means commonly used by artists were put into question. From Joseph Beuys to Andy Warhol, from Louise Bourgeois to Lawrence Weiner, more than two hundred artists took a new measure of the world. They fought the museums. They filled the august genres of painting and sculpture with irony. They themselves took on the tasks of operating spaces and critical formats. What was presented as innocent was meant as an extremely defiant correction of the art system. As was the case with the student revolts, it was about a nation of overarching impulse. The artists clearly put themselves at the center. It was the beginning of contemporary art culture. After the success of 1937. Perfection and Destruction, the Kunsthalle Bielefeld is examining yet another year of significant cultural upheaval. This exhibition is sponsored by the Kunststiftung NRW, the Stiftung der Sparkasse Bielefeld, the Stadtwerke Bielefeld, and other institutions.
August 30 November 8, 2009
Fang Lijun. Sea and Sky
Among the young Chinese artists of international repute, Fang Lijun (born 1963) stands out for his philosophical self-portraits in water, and his repeated use of the motif of floating in the sky. Fang began in 1984 as a so-called Cynical Realist, creating paintings of numerous bald men waiting, some of them apparently drowning. They look and breathe. They yawn and are silent. Or they are crying out. They can be seen as his alter ego and as the Chinese man of today. For the generation of Mao Goes Pop (the title of a 1993 exhibition in Sydney) Fang acknowledged, like no other, the political oppression in China before and after 1989 with Buddist equanimity. Fang made his European debut in 1994 with his exhibition Welt-Moral at the Kunsthalle Basel, and since 1995 he has been honored with many solo shows in the Netherlands, France, Japan, and New York. Large exhibitions in China in 2006 and the presentation of his wonderful woodcuts at Berlin's Kupferstichkabinett have recently shown to what extent Fang has become one of the most influential artists in China. With support from the Kulturstiftung Pro Bielefeld, the Kunsthalle Bielefeld, is preparing a retrospective of the artist's work, containing around seventy works, including new sculptures.german galleries: index Bielefeld ![]()