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Galerie aktueller Kunst im Osram-Haus
Hellabrunner Straße 1
81543 München
Tel. 089 - 62 13-25 19, Fax 62 13-34 57
werktags 9 - 16 Uhr
aktuelle Ausstellung / current exhibition
vorausgegangene Ausstellung / previoux exhibition
01.02. - 31.03. 2006
Zum Jubiläumsjahr von OSRAM
100 Jahre OSRAM
40 Jahre Galerie aktueller Kunst im OSRAM Haus
5 Jahre Sammlung OSRAMDavide Cantoni
Eröffnung: am Dienstag, den 31.1. 2006 um 19 Uhr
Geboren 1965 in Mailand
Lebt und arbeitet in New York1991-93 Royal College of Art, London (MA)
1985-89 Slade School, U.C.L. London (BA)
1988 Exchange, H.D.K. Berlin
2005 Blindarte Contemporanea, Napoli
Galleria Guido Carbone, Turin (Katalog)
2004 Dina4 Projekte, München
2002 Galleria Oddi Baglioni, Rom
Galleria Guido Carbone, Turin
2001 Grossetti Arte Contemporanea, Mailand
2000 Grossetti Arte Contemporanea, Mailand
1999 GAGA, New York City
1998 Galleria Milleventi, Turin
1997 Galleria Guido Carbone, Turin
2005 Atomica, Esso gallery and Lombard-Freid Fine Arts NY
Davide Cantoni,Alfredo Jaar, Nancy Spero
Wasteland: 21st Century Landscape, Roebling Hall Brooklyn NY
Auf Papier, Kunstverein Jena und Optisches Museum, Jena
Loredana Sperini, Davide Cantoni, Ben Potter u.a.
Micro Universe, Kurator: Hélianthe Bourdeaux-Maurin, The Lab gallery NY
Minimalist Art Now, Kurator: Joseph Cunningham, Elevhjem Museum of Art, University of Wisconsin-Madison
2004 Spuren und Zeichen. Spurensuche, Versicherungskammer Bayern, München
Sophie Calle, Davide Cantoni u.a.
Carta Canta. Works on paper from the XX century, Annunciata Grosseti Arte Cotemporanea Milano / Barbara Behan Contemporary art London
L´Ossesione Nella Testa. From Picasso to 2002, MACI Museo Arte
Contemporanea Isernia
2004 Linie. 5 Positionen in der zeitgenössischen Zeichnung,
Dina4 Projekte, München
2003 Gesellschaftsbilder Images of Society, Kunstmuseum Thun (K)
Davide Cantoni, Hans-Peter Feldmann, Mona Hatoum, William Kentridge, Graham Little, Gianni Motti, Juan Muñoz, Olaf Nicolai, Roman Ondak, João Onofre, Anri Sala, Annika Ström, Rosemarie Trockel, Carey Young
Perforations, McKenzie Fine Art Inc., New York
2002 exIT: Nuove geografie della creativitá Italiana curated by Francesco Bonami, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin (K)
2001 Microwave three, 123 Watts Gallery, New York (K)
1999 Brief encounter, Nicholas Profit, Paris
1998 While You Were Out, Fellows Invitational Exhibition, Hudson D.Walker Gallery, Providence, Rhode Island
1997 The Processed Image, 450 Broadway Gallery, New York
1994 An American Passion, The collection of Bob & Susan Summer
McLellan Galleries-Glasgow Museums, Glasgow, UK (K)
1993 John Moores 18 Liverpool Exhibition, Walker Arts Centre, Liverpool (K)
"Art 93" London Art Fair, Business Design Centre, London
1992 East-South Open, Canterbury, UK (K)
1991 Recent Work, Diorama Gallery, London
1990 Group Show, Diorama Gallery, London
1989 Installation for Negative Image at Royal Academy (Part Of "The Art Of Photography" Exhibition), Royal Academy of Art, London, UK
1985 Amnesty International Grupo Espana 6, Palau Solleric, Palma (K)
MOMA New York, The TI GROUP collection, Robert and Susan Kasen Summer Collection,
Levi collection, M.Sterpi Collection, MACI (Museo Arte Contemporanea Isernia)