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Sparwasser Hq

Offensive für zeitgenössische Kunst und Kommunikation
Torstrasse 161
10115 Berlin Mitte
Telefon 0174-2577729
Öffnungszeiten: Mi -Fr 16-19 Uhr, Sa 14-18 Uhr
aktuelle Ausstellung / current exhibition
vorausgegangene Ausstellung / previous exhibition


ab 13.01. 2007

Ho Tzu Nyen

The Glowing Whistle Festival
13. Januar bis Ende 2007

Sparwasser HQ beschäftigt sich 2007 mit der Frage, in welchem Rahmen der Ausstellungsraum als Bühne genutzt werden kann. Wir werden mit diesem Festival den Blick auf verschiedene künstlerische Positionen innerhalb von Performance und anderen "Bühnenstücken" lenken.

Der erste beteiligte Künstler wird Ho Tzu Nyen sein, welcher seine letzte Arbeit "Bohemian Rhapsody" zeigt. Ein Film, unlängst produziert für die Biennale in Singapur. Der Film wurde im Rathhaus, dem ehemaligen obersten Gericht von Singapur gedreht. Ho Tzu Nyens Arbeit basiert auf dem berühmten Stück der Band Queen von 1975. "Bohemian Rhapsody" ist ein Gerichtsdrama (ein junger Mann wird zu Tode verurteilt), eine Dokumentation seiner eigenen Produktion und gleichzeitig auch ein Mittel, um den Betrachter zu einer Art "mentalen Karaokeshow".

Eröffnung: Freitag 12. Januar um 19-23 Uhr


Sparwasser HQ
Offensive for Contemporary Art and Communication

from January 13.

Opening Friday January 12. from 7pm to 11 pm


13.01. and the entire year 2007

The Glowing Whistle Festival

Ho Tzu Nyen and more artists

On 12th January Sparwasser HQ will launch its new program called The Glowing Whistle
Festival. The first artist involved will be Ho Tzu Nyen who will present his last project Bohemian Rhapsody, a film recently produced for the Singapore Biennal. The film is shot in the City Hall, the former Supreme Court of Singapore. Ho Tzu Nyen's work, based on the well-known Queen´s 1975 hit Bohemian Rhapsody, is simultaniously a court room drama (young men being sentenced to death) , a documentary of its own production as well as a vehicle that incites the spectators' participation in an exercise of mental karaoke.

By utilizing the exhibition space as a stage to accommodate moments of authenticity - or a scripted choreography of ideas - we suggest with the festival to look at different artistic positions working within performance and other 'staged' productions.

Friday, January 12. from 7 PM to 11 PM



Opening Friday 26th January from 7 pm till 11 pm,
introducing the artist

Köken Ergun


Parrallel to the video "Bohemian Rapsody" by Ho Tzu Nyen now two videos by the artist Köken Ergun will be presented, namely "I, Soldier" (2005), digital video, 6 mins and "The Flag" (2006), digital video, 8 mins

Both artists are focusing on the extremes of disciplinary exercises in their own country.

While Ho Tzu Nyen's video is describing the court trial of young men, who will be executed by hanging - in a country not functioning on a democratic basis, Köken Ergun is showing two video documentaries: the first of a soldier screaming a nationalistic military poem on the top of his lungs and the second of children celebrating the Children's Day, by reciting aggressive patriotic poems in a stadium - this being as obligatory for primary school children as the military service is for young men.

The Istanbul/ Berlin based artist Köken Ergun: "Both of these works are an act of exorcism of my fears: I, Soldier (2005) about the fear of military discipline, and The Flag (2006) about the rising nationalism in the world, especially Europe."
Ergun about "I, Soldier": "His gestures; the energy that came out of his body, more than what he spoke about brought back all the fears I have been inhibiting in my own body; about the mandatory military service I haven't done yet, the past traumas resulting from this kind of male discipline at home or in school, and also the ever-present role of the military in the presumably civil democratic republic of Turkey. ..I have to admit that I am also amazed and somewhat fascinated by military culture, and I find its discipline beautiful and gentle in a male way.

This light minded attitude is mutual for both artists.

In an interview with November Paynter, Ergun answers the question about the role of the artist and his/her responsibilities, suggesting solutions for a troubled world or passively representing and mirroring a culture, in the search for its "own identity".

The Singapore artist Ho Tzu Nyen makes use of a music-historical pop song "The Bohemian Rhapsody", by building the entire scenery of the video built upon the song lyrics, in a complicated rhythm of montages from auditions. Ho Tzu Nyen: "The lead role - of the protagonist (the boy defendant) is the one role open to an audition system. On the one hand this conflates the theme of legal judgment (which briefly escalates into spiritual judgement with the Velasquez/Bacon Cardinal) and the judgment of Director in the process of audition."

To introduce the idea of the 'Bohemian' for a society that is build on strict social control, is new to Singapore. As an invention coming from the state authority, 'bar-top dance' and 'oral sex' (sex not meant for reproduction) is now allowed, with the purpose to stimulate cultural industries.

The Glowing Whistle Festival
From January 13. till end of the year 2007

By utilizing the exhibition space as a stage to accommodate moments of authenticity - or a scripted choreography of ideas - we suggest with the festival to look at different artistic positions working within performance and other 'staged' productions.

curated by Sparwasser HQ/ Lise Nellemann



Review in Blaue Augen (german) of Ho Tzu Nyens video work:"bohemian-rhapsody-project-2006"/#more-45


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The Glowing Whistle Festival
Ho Tzu Nyen, Köken Ergun and artists
continues through the entire year
Opening on January 26. from 7pm to 11pm


Sparwasser HQ outside Head Quarters in Torstrasse:

Futurama and re-inventing tradition?
with artists from Singapore-Budapest-Berlin
Collegium Hungaricum Berlin
Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 9
10178 Berlin

german galleries: index_Berlin


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