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ifa-Galerie Berlin
Linienstr. 139 / 140
10115 Berlin
Tel. 030 - 28 44 91 40, Fax 28 44 91 42
Di - So 14 - 19 Uhr
über /about ifa
aktuelle Ausstellung / current exhibition
vorausgegangene Ausstellung / previous exhibition
27. 04. - 08.07. 2012
In der Reihe Kulturtransfers #5:
Art Fashion Sports
+++Dakar Maputo Lagos Cape Town Johannesburg Accra Douala Stuttgart Berlin Addis Abeba +++The dual exhibition "prêt-à-partager" at the ifa Galleries Berlin and Stuttgart presents the results of numerous transnational and interdisciplinary artistic encounters on the African continent. After having travelled to seven venues across West and South Africa, the exhibition is now also presented in Germany by the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations to show the interplay between art, fashion, and sports and how culture can function both as a connecting as well as liberating means of setting out to new horizons.
The project "prêt-à-partager", initiated and organised by the ifa, began in November 2008 with an interdisciplinary art workshop in Dakar, Senegal. Seventeen artists from Africa and Europe came together for a multimedia-based and interdisciplinary art workshop in order to explore subjects of fashion, art, perception, and movement in the public space. They brought influences from the metropolises Berlin, Kinshasa, Dakar, London, Stuttgart, Douala, Hamburg and Johannesburg into the capital of Senegal.
Zohra Opoku (Ghana/Germany) and the Senegalese fashion designer Ndiaga Diaw took Capoeira, the Afro-Brazilian martial art form, as the basis for creating their fashion items. These were in turn used by Astrid S. Klein (Germany) for her photographs, in which she reflects upon economic and social changes in Dakar. Fashion designer Zille Homma Hamid (Pakistan/Germany) was inspired by West-African dyeing techniques. Nafissatou Diop's (Senegal) lingerie outfits are powerful aesthetic statements about body and gender politics. These are but some examples of the astounding and socially explosive works developed by the artists in front of the background of their own histories and the experience of new cultural practices beyond consumerism and brand fetishisms.
The exhibition "prêt-à-partager" has been presented in South and West Africa since 2008 in Dakar, Maputo, Lagos, Cape Town, Douala, and Accra. With its extensive supporting programme it stimulated collaborations that have expanded the network and enriched the exhibition. In October 2011, the ifa organised an international artistic conference in Johannesburg on aesthetic and economic aspects of the notion of freedom in Africa and the African diaspora. The project and the issues it dealt with have aroused a keen interest and the participation of a diverse audience far beyond the boundaries of contemporary art institutions.
The exhibition now on display in Germany marks the preliminary culmination of the project; it will also present for the first time the results of the transnational collaborations resulting from the supporting programme.
With "prêt-à-partager" the ifa establishes a new form of artistic dialogue: this form of artistic cooperation does not consider art as a service, but as a platform for encounters in order to create new ideas and visions emerging from common experience. The ifa seeks respectful partnerships for mutual benefit and inspiration.
"prêt-à-partager" (English: "ready-to-share") views itself as a platform based on participation and artistic exchange, but also on the joint creation of new forms of understanding and perspectives on contemporary art und fashion.
Duration of the exhibition
27 April 8 July 2012 in Berlin
4 May 1 July 2012 in Stuttgart
Jamika Ajalon, Akinbode Akinbiyi, *ARCHIVE*, Ulé Barcelos, Ndiaga Diaw, Nafissatou Diop, Simone Gilges, Mamadou Gomis, Gugulective, Zille Homma Hamid, Hubert Mahela Katamba, Astrid S. Klein, Goddy Leye, Philip Metz, Lambert Mousseka, Zanele Muholi, Pakama Ngceni, Zohra Opoku, Friedrich M. Ploch, Athi-Patra Ruga, Nontsikelelo "Lolo" Veleko
Press preview:
Thursday, 26 April 2012, 11:00Opening:
Thursday, 26 April 2012, 19:00
ifa-Galerie Berlin
Linienstrasse 139/140
10115 Berlin
Phone +49-30-28449140
Fax +49-30-28449142
Friday, 27 April 2012, 17:00
Artists and curators talk (in English).Sunday, 6 May 2012, 11:3014:00
KinderKunstProgramm: Stoffwechsel
Woher kommt mein T-Shirt? Und wohin geht es, wenn es mir zu klein geworden ist?
(Children's Art Programme: Changing Clothes Where does my t-shirt come from? And where does it go when I have outgrown it?)
With fashion designer Zohra Opoku, for children from the age of 8.812 May 2012
WORKSHOP: Berlin Textures Uncovering the Hidden (hi)Stories in Berlin's City Scape
Venue: Werkstatt der Kulturen, Wissmannstrasse 32, 12049 Berlin56. June 2912
Where We Meet ... Cultural Translation and Art in Social Transformation
Tuesday, 5 June 2012, 18:00 Cultural Translation
Wednesday, 6 June 2012, 18:30 Art for Social Transformation
Venue: Werkstatt der Kulturen, Wissmannstrasse 32, 12049 Berlin
Press preview:
Wednesday, 2 May 2012, 14:00Opening:
Thursday, 3 May 2012, 19:00
ifa-Galerie Stuttgart
Charlottenplatz 17
70173 Stuttgart
Phone +49-711-2225173
Fax +49-711-2225194
Friday, 4 May 2012, 16:0017:30
Artists and curators talk (in English).Saturday, 16 June 2012, 14:3016:00
KUNSTWERKSTATT: Bunte, fliegende Objekte
(ART WORKSHOP: Colourful, flying objects)
For children aged between 6 and 12.
Saturday, 23 June 2012, 14:3016:00
KUNSTWERKSTATT: Originelle Stencils
(ART WORKSHOP: Original stencils)
For youngsters.Wednesday, 16 May 2012, 16:3018:00
Public presentation of the results of the workshop at the ifa Gallery Stuttgart.
In cooperation with the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste.FILM PROGRAMME
"A Rasta is a male version of a diva" dance stance commence
Opening event: Friday, 4 May 2012, 19:00
Venue: Filmtheater, Türlenstraße 2, 70191 Stuttgart
In cooperation with Filmgalerie 451, Stuttgart
About the ifa
The Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (ifa) is Germany's oldest institution for foreign cultural and educational policy. It is supported by the German Federal Foreign Office, the state of Baden-Württemberg, and the city of Stuttgart. As a leading German institution for international artistic exchange, the ifa organises exhibitions of German art on all continents, thus initiating intercultural discussions and promoting artistic discourse. It supports exhibition projects and offers grants; at the ifa Galleries Stuttgart and Berlin, it presents art, architecture, and design from Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe.
ifa Gallery Berlin
Barbara Barsch, Linienstrasse 139/140, 10115 Berlin
phone +49-30-28449111, fax +49-30-28449130, email: barsch@ifa.deifa Gallery Stuttgart
Stefanie Alber, Charlottenplatz 17, 70173 Stuttgart
phone +49-711-2225161, fax +49-711-2225194, email: alber@ifa.deInstitute for Foreign Cultural Relations (ifa)
Miriam Kahrmann, Head of Communications, Charlottenplatz 17, 70173 Stuttgart
phone +49-711-2225105, +49-711-2225105, fax +49-711-2264346,
27.07. - 30.09. 2012
In der Reihe Kulturtransfers #4:
Kubus oder Kuppel. Moscheen - Perspektiven einer Bauaufgabe
12. Oktober 21. Dezember 2012
In der Reihe connect:
Rosige Zukunft. Aktuelle Kunst aus Tunesien
Preview Programme 2012
In the series Cultural Transfers #5: prêt-a-partager
27 April 8 July 2012
In the series Cultural Transfers #4: Cube or Dome: Mosques New Ways of Building
27 July 30 September 2012
In the series connect: Bright future: Contemporary art from Tunisia
12 October 21 December 2012
Preview Educational Programme 2012
In cooperation with the Hildegard-Wegscheider-Oberschule the ifa gallery Berlin will realise an educational art programme with the title "zuTEXTen" on the subject of graphic novels. The project starts off with the exhibition "Solo for Lia and Dan Perjovschi" with Annika Niemann, Ev Fischer, and Indian artist Sarnath Banerjee, New Delhi.
The ifa gallery Berlin and the Kunst-Raum of the German Bundestag concluded a second cooperation agreement in the form of a pilot project for the year 2012. The art-educational department of the ifa gallery Berlin, in particular Annika Niemann, will develop and realise approximately 15 workshops for the Kunst-Raum.
Further information on the exhibition (upcoming) and images for print (upcoming) are available online.
About the ifa
The Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (ifa) is an organization operating worldwide to promote artistic exchange and the dialogue between civil societies, and to provide information about foreign cultural policy. The ifa is Germany's oldest institution for foreign cultural and educational policy and is supported by the German Federal Foreign Office, the state of Baden-Württemberg, and the city of Stuttgart.
Information on the exhibition:
Dr. Barbara Barsch, Linienstrasse 139/140, 10115 Berlin, phone: +49-30-28449111, fax: +49-30-28449142, email:
Information on the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (ifa):
Miriam Kahrmann, Charlottenplatz 17, 70173 Stuttgart, phone: +49-711-2225105, fax: +49-711-2264346, email:,
Über das ifa:
Das Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen e.V. (ifa) engagiert sich weltweit für Kunstaustausch, den Dialog der Zivilgesellschaften und die Vermittlung außenkulturpolitischer Informationen. Das ifa ist die älteste deutsche Mittlerorganisation für Auswärtige Kultur- und Bildungspolitik und wird vom Auswärtigen Amt, dem Land Baden-Württemberg und der Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart gefördert. Mit den ifa-Galerien in Stuttgart und Berlin, Kunst-Förderprogrammen und rund 50 weltweiten Tourneeausstellungen ist das ifa die deutschlandweit führende Institution im internationalen Kunstaustausch.